Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Earlier today, I read an article on practicing mindfulness. Heard of it? It's a way of being "in the now," and being present in whatever is happen while it is happening. It's probably the most difficult thing I can think of doing, next to resisting that second helping of dinner (if you know nothing about me, know I love to eat). So, for example, I am brushing my teeth. I am to be mindful of what I'm doing: how the brush feels, the taste of the toothpaste. And nothing else. Not how long I have before I need to leave for work, not when I'm going to fit in reading time with my son, not how many hours it will be between when I nursed the baby and the next time I can pump. Whew! If I master that, I will surely be some sort of Jedi who can levitate the clean clothes into the dresser drawers with my mind! I am totally looking forward to trying it, and hopefully gaining the ability to handle stress better. If I could just get my children's voices out of my head...

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